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Writer's pictureME! (Jayden)

Log on the loose

Introduction: On our last sequel, it was Bark and Log's first meeting. Log was smart-he could say Bark's name. "BARK!"

One day, when Bark was taking Log for a walk, a squirrel appeared in front of them. "Nananananana!" it teased(of course in squirrel language)and threw acorns at them. Because Log was mad, it chased after the squirrel. The squirrel kept teasing Log. "NANANANANANA!" it teased. "Come and catch me!" OOH, Log was furious than ever! Log kept chasing the squirrel. But then, Log realized that he was in the middle of the street! Too late. Cars kept trying to stay away from Log. They shouted and cursed at Log. However, Log was so busy chasing the squirrel that he couldn't hear anything. Finally, Log could catch the squirrel if he just stretched his hands-I mean paws! and WHOMP! Log fell to the ground. Just then a ten ton truck was heading at him 80 kilometers and hour! 'Get out!" the truck driver screamed. He honked the horn, but Log was too hurt to stand up. Was this the end of Log? Miraculously, a brave child jumped into the street, carried Log and made it to the sidewalk in one swift motion. When Log looked up, it was Bark! He licked him. "That's enough for today."said Bark. "Let's head home." Together they headed for Bark's house.

-the end-

continued on book 3...

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1 Comment

Isaac Seo
Isaac Seo
Jul 18, 2019

If the truck hit Log, he would have been hit with 80000 Newtons of force

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