Today I will talk about the class field trip I went on today. Also, yes, sue me for being lazy, but I don't have the energy right now to even move my fingers across my keyboard because of the dang trip, so good intros aren't an option.
I'm sure all of you know what class field trips are by now. The whole grade gets on buses and rides for an hour talking about the best ways to break through a J2 Pro (or something like that). Anyways, our grade went to this out of the way pottery place in Ichun. You know, with the rice and the ceramics and all that jazz. When we arrived, we were immediately greeted by a horrifying 'statue' (more like a plastic life size figure with a bad paint job on it) with its eyes as big as a quarter of its head.
truly horrifying
Where were we? Oh yeah, the agenda. So first we had to play with bubbles for 20 minutes. I dunno, it wasn't too bad, but it also wasn't the best thing in the world to do in front of some 2nd graders passing by either. Next, we did some things with the wheels, and my group made a cow pie when we were supposed to be making bowls. Look, we didn't have a choice, alright? The wheel doesn't always listen to us.
After that, we washed our hands in some really cold water that could have been used for medieval torture methods, and proceeded to the dyes. We had to do some weird things with cloth and this basin of yellow stuff, which apparently held mashed berries, insects, and who knows what else. Some people who used black dye got their hands all black and they complained. I had a joke that I later realized was kinda racist so I kept it to myself (don't hate me).
Then we went to the museum and looked at some gnarly old stuff, but the real fun was in the courtyard. Low and behold, there was a life size cudgel. We looked at each other with those looks, and proceeded to beat the life out of some guys we didn't like (no seriously though they enjoyed it, they were laughing). For those of you who don't know, a cudgel is another word for the Goenjang from ye olde days. Me and some other dudes played pirate with the Tuho sticks, and I almost poked my friend's eye out.
We did a lot more things, but honestly, you don't want to hear about it, I want to go to bed, so here's what happened in short mode:
Tug of war, lunch, bacon, more pottery, funny
pictures of drooling friends sleeping on the bus
(insert MrBeast outro here)
HMMM... i think i went there when i was in 2nd grade
we are going to LOTTE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
at least ur field trip was better than mine
also i sue u for not making a good intro