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Writer's pictureSihyun Lee

School Life vs Summer Vacation Life

Updated: Aug 4, 2019

First of all, i'm very sorry for the late post, I was just away for a while and didn't have the right time to work. Second of all, I know I write a lot of things about summer vacation these days, but bear with me here, this will be the last one


Now I, for the most part, am ok with school, despite my comments about it in the past. The main reasons for this is because of friends, and that I actually have something to do every day. In school, I never realized how boring spending 4 to 7 hours in a room binging YouTube could be. It sounds like heaven, sure, but ever since I actually experienced it, I had second thoughts. Today, I will be comparing the school life to the vacation life in two different categories. The first will be efficiency, and the second will be the joy of the mind.

#1. Summer Vacation Life

When we think of summer vacation, it's most likely to be an image of absolute heaven with freedom everywhere. When adults and teachers think of it, it's more like a world of studying and extra homework than a dream world. One thing is for clear though, vacation opens up way more time to study than an everyday schedule. But as most students do, the first few hours of a day on summer vacation will most likely be 1) Bing YouTube, 2) Play Games, 3) Study, 4) All of the above. In my case, it's either one of these, depending on how I'm feeling, so I guess i'm not the most efficient of them all. Secondly, I would say that summer vacation does give me a lot of happiness, since I have more time to do the things I actually want to do. It can get pretty dull though.

#2. School Life

Now let's look at school. I have to get up at seven forty-five in the morning, go to school at eight-thirty, come back 6 hours later at 3 o clock, on an already very hot summer day. It's not exactly the most enjoyable, but it is the most efficient, in my case. In a normal, go-to-school-and-wish-I-had-air-conditioning-day, I study 5 hours in the morning, and 4+ hours in the afternoon, so I definitely will say that I do way more studying on a average go-to-school day. When it comes to joy of the mind, I don't really have an opinion for school. I mean sure, it's fun to hang out with friends, I guess, errrr….

(I don't have those)

and there are some fun classes here and there, but I can't have as much fun as I would have staying at home in my room. So I think I have to give points to vacation on this one.

So, in my opinion, vacation is the far more superior time of the year, since it has some more benefits than a normal schedule during school days. Besides, it only comes once every 5 months. But of course, that's only my opinion. If you think differently, please comment down below (but you don't have to I wouldn't do it either).

(insert MrBeast outro here)

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