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Writer's pictureSihyun Lee

Screw Mother Nature

So, summer vacation is coming up next Wednesday, and that is one of the only things I look forward to in this cruel world. I'm sure you can relate. Some people may say that summer vacation is bad, and students should spend more time outdoors with their friends, and yadah yadah yadaaah. And those people, my friends, are Mother Nature supporters. And I have one thing to say to them.

screw you

(sorry all those bad word haters I just had to get it out and this is the mildest level of cussing that i'm allowed to do on this site) Now, i'm not saying that summer vacation won't be boring. I'll probably be binging Netflix and Youtube all day and night with that amount of free time. But if being able to be inside and doing infinite homework means I won't have to go outside most of the time, sign me up. I, for some reason, absolutely HATE hot weather. I'm sure a lot of people can relate, but sometimes when i'm just sitting there in a hot, cramped room, this wave of heat just suddenly washes over me and disappears as quickly as it came, and may I just say: SCREW THOSE MOMENTS TOO. There's no logical reason summer has to be hot, there's no logical reason why I was born in this era to endure it, and there's no logical reason why I have to come back from school hot as an oven. If you asked me which I would prefer between Summer and Winter, Winter is the definite answer. Just think about it. Winter has Christmas, it has snow, it has presents, it has New Years, it even sorta has the start of a new grade in school! And what does Summer have? Nothing! Nothing but sunburns and sweat. You see my point here? This just proves that Winter is the superior season.

So after all this, there's only one thing I have to say:

screw you mother nature


(insert Mr.Beast outro here)

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Isaac Seo
Isaac Seo
Jul 20, 2019

In other words, Summer is BAD


Sihyun Lee
Sihyun Lee
Jul 19, 2019

Sorry about that😦


Patrick Burbine
Patrick Burbine
Jul 19, 2019

Sihyun, since I am part of your audience, using the word "screw" pejoratively is unwise.

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