Today, I'm going to write about how I started looking for dolphins on a recent trip.
Basically, you ride around in a boat, and look for dolphins! For people who don't know, dolphins have been my favorite sea animal since I was like 3 years old, but I never really got to see them in the wild, so I was super excited for this trip! So, you ride a boat on the sea, and my mom was a little worried because she gets slightly seasick, but there was no ceiling in the boat, and it turns out that open spaces are all right. Thre were a lot of missed opportunities on this trip, because we were supposed to take pictures if you wanted to, and believe me, it is not that easy to photograph living things that move fast if you haven't practiced. Fortunately, I got the hang of it eventually, and got some great pictures! Dad usually photographed dolphins that were far away, while I photographed close ups. Poor mom couldn't get the hang of it at all, and just got some pictures of water. At the end, the man who drived the boat gave us all badges with a blue background and a white dolpin silhouette on it f0r a tiny souveneir. It was an amazing day!