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Writer's pictureNiki Lee


Allison skipped happily to her classroom, because today was the day for her favorite class ever, art. Then, she sees the schedule and her skip turns into a dissapointed trudge, and her smile turned into a frown. Art was The 2 last classes of the day. It had to be stopped for lunch. Allison was super upset, because she didn't want art class to be interrupted by anything, especially disgusting lunch.

So, today we were making a snowglobe for art. We had a snowglobe bottle and a swan supplied for each of us from the school. We also had glitter, but it wasn't very nice. The teacher said we could bring our own glitter and charms if we wanted. I brought a pot of iridescent white glitter and some pink glitter as well. These were very fine because I wanted trhe gliter to be a mix of fine and chunky. You see, the glitter I explained beforehand was some new glitter I bought. The rest was glitter I had at home. I picked out some tiny silver stars and some pink and white glitter shaped like flowers. I brought a tree for an extra touch. In case any opf you want to make a snowglobe, I'll include the ratios. 40ml of glycerin, 20 ml of liquid glue or water glue(Translate into Korean), and 150 ml of water. You mixthis all to gether in a cup, until it feels like the glue and glycerin has completely dissolved, pour it into your bottle. in this mixture, you should also add glitter. you should put the figures at the bottom of the bottle, and stick them on with a gluegun. This is before you add the mixture. I finished, and it looked so pretty! It looked especially nice when you put it on top of a light, like your phone light. I was late leaving class and the other teachers who came into my classroom praised me too. The teacher(Our class teacher) called me to show them my snowglobe, and one of the teachers said I should teach her class.

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