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Writer's pictureLeonardo Park ;-;

So 2M people are storming area 51 and 1.5M people are interested...

This all started as a joke.

Somebody made a meme about storming area 51 and it became very famous. However people decided they wanted to actually do it. This created a facebook community called " Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us". SO FAR 2 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE SIGNED UP AND 1.5 MILLION PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED!!

(btw I erased the names because they had some mild curses in them.)

ANYWAYS VERY VERY FAMOUS PEOPLE LIKE PEWDIEPIE ARE GOING. (I wanted to go but of course my parents said no like I was insane.)

But what is Area 51? Area 51 is a very advanced military base that is in Nevada, covered by a desert, and it holds lots of american US troops. There are many theories that the US is hiding ALIENS from us inside area 51. Lets take an example of an area 51 meme.

THIS MEANS WE WILL FIND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY INSIDE AREA 51! The plan is to have people running like naruto (a japanese anime character) running to the sides/corners of area 51. People throwing rocks will come from all directions. Alien rescuers holding memes will carry the aliens out from the corners. Anti-vax kids and their grandmothers will go through empty places. Some people will be sneaking in safely. Theres even MORE. But I'm kinda worried that the american military will kill like over a million people which is not good...........

I think it was a good idea if there were no troops but there are troops and everybody knows when we are raiding it so they will be prepared.

anyways if u are storming area 51 get a minigun and a chicken costume with 9736 bullets and adidas shoes with a swiss knife and a life vest and also a bullet proof vest and a radioactive spider (in case you need spider skills) with a tablet that has over 135 memes on it and finally a pair of crocs glasses.

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