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Writer's pictureNiki Lee

Stange intelligence facts

Hi! Today i'm going to tell you some weird facts about intelligence that you might not have known. This is quite long, so get ready.

1. Late sleepers and wakers are more intelligent.

What's the latest you have ever slept? I myself, have slept at 4:30. I was trying to do an experiment to see how late I could stay up, but my mom cut in and told me to sleep so yeah....A lot of parents tell their children to sleep early so they can wake early.I usually sleep at 2 am. Anyways, people who sleep late and wake up late are more intelligent than their counterparts. there were a lot of studies to confirm this. I'll tell you about a few.

Psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa set out to determine whether children's sleeping habits correlated with intelligence. He recruited 20,745 adolescents from 80 high schools and 52 middle schools for his study.

The first meeting took place in their homes, where the students were asked to take an intelligence test. Five years later, he interviewed 15,197 of the original respondents again. This time, they reported when they went to bed and when they woke up on both the weekdays and weekends.

He found that people with high intelligence are likelier to be night owls. This applied across a wide span of demographic variables, such as ethnicity, education and religion.

Another study, done at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Miami found that evening-oriented people are also more creative than their morning and intermediate counterparts. As Professor Marina Giampietro explains, being in a nocturnal environment "may encourage the development of a non-conventional spirit and of the ability to find alternative and original solutions.” Not only are evening types smarter, but their unusual habits also help them to find creative solutions and alternatives.

However, parents do have a point. Since school occurs in the day, early birds get bettere grades. I wake late, but once awake, I stay awake till night, and get a nice boost of energy sometime at night!

2. You Like To Skip Gym

I hate gym. It's like my least favorite subject ever. To my surprise, this wasn't always a bad thing. I'm sorry all you sports lovers and jocks, but gym skippers might be more intelligent than you think.

Due to a study published in the Sage Journal of Health Psychology in 2015, we now know that skipping workouts may be akin to intelligence. 

According to the reasearchers, people who will find any excuse to skip the gym have higher levels of a trait called "need for cognition," or a "tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive endeavors." Workouts just don't offer that.

3. You like to be alone.

I don't really like large crowds with a lot of people, and I certaintly don't like to be with people. I like to be alone. I manage with things like academies where I have to be together, but at home I like to be alone, and at school I go out of my way not to make friends, but be nice, so people won't bother me. However, a lot of people like people who love people! Society typically lauds those with an outgoing personality, but a study says that those who crave alone time and solitude over social interactions tend to be smarter. So. I'm sorry extroverts. The study, which was published in the British Journal of Psychology in 2016, found that with increased socialization came decreased happiness for more intelligent individuals.

4. You worry more.

Are you a worrier, or are you a carefree sort of person? You may think it's better to be carefree, but I myself, am closer to a worrier. I worry everytime something happens. A lot of you might not believe this, since I always seem carefree, but I manage to disguise it well. But interestingly enough, this is a sign of intelligence.

Having increased capacity for knowledge actually gives you increased anguish. Slate reports on a study by psychologist Alexander Penney and his colleagues at Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada that found that out of 100 students, those with more angst scored higher on a verbal intelligence test. This means when surveyed, they wrote answers like "I am always worrying about something."

Anther study, done by psychiatrist Jeremy Coplan of New York's SUNY Downstate Medical Center ran a study with 26 people who suffered from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and 18 healthy individuals. Coplan found that "people with more severe symptoms [of GAD] had a higher IQ than those with milder symptoms."

5.You have Evolutionary Novel Values And Preferences.

You may not know what this means, so I'll explain. "Evolutionarily novel" preferences and values are those that humans are not biologically designed to have and our ancestors probably did not possess. In contrast, those that our ancestors had for millions of years are "evolutionarily familiar." This can explain some of the others too, but there's two more that I didn't explain yet, which is why I'm writng this. The first trait is actually evolutionary novel. Since our ancestors lacked artificial light, they tended to wake up shortly before dawn and go to sleep shortly after dusk.Being nocturnal is evolutionarily novel. Anyway, onto the traits! There are actually 2 traits that connect to this, but they fit really well together.

5-1. You are liberal.

Do you care about your friends and family? You probably do. But here's a harder question. Do you care about people you don't know? I just care immediately when I see someone looking sad, or when someone isn't feeling well, even if i've never seen that person in my life before.Humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.

Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) support this. Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.

5-2. You have no religion.

Are you religious? Or, do you have a religion? I personally don't have a religion. I've never set foot in church.(Though, I do celebrate Christmas. My family doesn't think of it as a religious holiday.)Religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa.(Remember the physchologist who did the study for trait 1? This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists."

Young adults who identify themselves as "not at all religious" have an average IQ of 103 during adolescence, while those who identify themselves as "very religious" have an average IQ of 97 during adolescence.

I was really surprised to find out I have all these traits(And no, I did not set out to find out traits I have to prove I'm intelligent, so don't comment on that. That was a coincidence.) How many of these traits do you possess?

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