You're in the kitchen, because your hungry and want to eat Oreo cereal. But upstairs, you hear a scream. You quickly run into the room with Oreo's cereal crammed into your mouth. On the floor, you see your friend, Peepeepoopoo on the floor, screaming his head off and clutching his head. On the table, the Pink Fluffy Unicorns video is playing on his computer.
(Insert Film Theory intro here)
Brain terrorism is a very rare type of discomfort. It can be caused by immense amounts of stress, waaaaaay to much information at the same time, extreme shock or surprise or both, etc, etc. And what does brain terror do? Great question. It simply paralyzes the brain for a limited amount of time, while your mental consciousness slowly transforms into a depressed and sad wreck filled with extreme amounts of hopelessness. Let's all face it, it sounds terrible and horrifying. I had it once in 3rd grade, mentally struggling with heaps and heaps of homework and stress, while my physical body suffered from lack of sleep and well, more lack of sleep. I would have said that single week was probably the worst week I've ever had, walking in the freezing cold to get home and coming late so I couldn't do homework before math class started. So after those horrible, horrible, days, I had a free day where I could sleep for 14 hours straight and dream about burning school and homework to ashes. (pleasant dreams) And also worry about what repulsive type of academic labor i will have to face next week.
Pink fluffy unicorns song-