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Writer's pictureDANNY12

Tee - Ball

In our school we did a Tee ball tournament and it was a disaster. At first I loved it because I played baseball with my friends a lot. Therefore I was used to it and above average. Our class had three professional baseball players (Basically two because one had to be the coach and could not play.) and 4 people including me that baseball was their hobby. I was almost sure that we will win this tournament because we had 4 people that could hit a home run. Well things did not go well because there was another class better then us. The girls started to yell at the boys why we have not picked up the home run ball a guy hit and threw it at the first base not knowing the rules. Luckily at our chance to attack we hit 3 home runs making the score 10:3.

On the other hand when I had hit a home run it had hit a girl and when we did our ceremony (28 kids loser danced in one line in front of the class that the losing team was) a kid that apparently liked that girl threw a 100 Km/hour ball at me that had hit a painful spot in my body. However we had won the tournament. As a result we got ice cream for winning.

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