Jennie comes Cat-walking, twirling her hair around and around, making flashy faces to everyone passing by. The boy's are watching her in awe as Jennie enters the classroom, her hair dancing with each other like a curtain. And finally, everyone's eyes were set on her pink, fake hair piece, the spotlight of this show.
Do you know what I am currently talking about? You guessed right. I am talking about the hair pieces that were very popular. I do not mean the twinkle hair pieces that look like my little pony (no offense), but the ones that really DO look like you dyed your hair but is only a hair clip. So me and my friend is going to buy this in a pink to honor BLACKPINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (LOL), which is why we are soooooo excited. These are really pretty hair pins with fake hair, so if you wish to check it out, click the button below!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed my post and get a little more closer into hair or other fashion!!!!!! Cya on friday!!!!!!!!!