So, the thing is, this 'bully' isn't technically a bully, but is aggravating, annoying, and hated enough to be one. He is in my academy, this academy called HLS, and it's a science academy that's really close to PEAI. HLS is a good academy, except for the fact that some lessons can be boring, and some lessons, like dissecting a mouse, getting real bird eggs and studying them, and actually keeping them to pets, to boring experiments such as stuff a really boring teacher speaks in a very monotonous tone to give instructions such as smelling a feather dipped in ink. (boring) So last year was wonderful, and starting from this year, a really tall guy called Nicholas joined the class. Honestly, I would say he would be in the top 20 people I really hate and despise. And believe me, there are a lot of people I hate and loathe and would be amazing if I never saw that person I hate again. I would say the majority of my class don't like Nicholas. It's like he really hates me, because he's always in this scornful and annoying voice that sounds like a spoiled girl every time he talks to me and my friends. Oh, did I mention he always ends with 'Yeah stupid' whenever he talks to someone except the teacher? Last last week, class ended and I was about to exit the academy building when that hater came behind me, knocked me over with his shoulder, and then ran by and before I knew it, he had already crossed the street. My friend helped me up and asked, "Are you all right?" and I replied, "No thanks to him."
So yeah, that's the tragic and depressing life of a random Pokemon and Harry Potter lover called Isaac.

Plot Twist: Nicholas was Donald Trump in disguise and bullied others so he won't feel bad about himself and his miserable life