I thought about different things 5 minutes from now, and those are the things I thought about.
1. Annoying Blog
The blog is shutting off daily. This is my third time writing this blog post. In the corner it says, " The writing is saved." However, that is a BIG FAT LIE. When I accidently x the blog, I think that it will revive when I open it up again, like google docs or some other app that has saving tech. However, it never saves a single thing. I am completly annoyed about the blog post, judges I urge you to vote prop.
2. My weird sister
My sister is trying too hard to embrass me in school. I mean, once she laughed like a maniac in front of my classmates. If she does that once again, I'm going to kill her. Also, while I am a polite and kind girl in school (am I?), my sister always gets scolding for laughing with her friends!! I dont know how my sister turned out to be so weird.
3. Sad feelings
I have too much homework to do. The latest book in the Warriors series is sold out, preventing me from reading it. My dog is not responding to me. My sister screamed at me. Except for the last one, which is so natural, these make me SO Sad.
If you go to here, your drafts are saved!! Yay!!
Yeah.. too much H.W and the blog or my computer had a problem like you do......