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2 places to travel (part 2)

*LONG AGO, I did a similar topic and I thought it would be okay to do a remake of it!*

Traveling means a lot to me. I like to separate 'traveling' into two parts. Relaxing can be a part of traveling, such as going to the woods, and enjoying, like touring other countries and cities. I personally like both types. This time, I'll introduce you to 2 places I want to travel.


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Samoa is a very unusual place to go, however it doesn't mean it isn't good enough. Samoa is a sweet island, officially Independent state of Samoa. One of the most famous places to visit is in Samoa is Apia, the capital of Samoa. Because of Samoa's nature, the sea provides crayfish, snapper, octopus, tuna, and more seafood. The Forest provides Bananas and Taro. This place may be unusual, but it is enjoyable.

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Uruguay is located in South America. There are many things to enjoy in this beautiful place. It also has beaches that we can enjoy. Furthermore, according to, Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in South America with a low level of corruption and a high living standard, it can easily be concluded that it is, for the most part, a very safe country – the safest on the entire continent. You'll be able to go and travel safely!

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