Heyy guys! 2019 is already almost ending, we only have about a month left and time is flying crazily!! In the almost end of the year, many people think about the movies that was popular through out the year, and I had the conclusion that 2019 was absolutly the year of Disney and Marvel.
First, Disney. This year, the movies I can remember is Toy Story 4, Aladin, and Frozen 2. Among these 3 movies, Aladin and Frozen 2 was a bop and most of the people had watched those movies and the whole class and Youtube was insane with the ost of those movies and spoiler videos. Especially the ost of these movies were popular, I mean it's not even 'were'. A Whole New World, Speechless, Prince Ali, Into the Unknown, Show yourself, and even much more.. Not only the songs, people enjoyed and also liked the basic story and the graphic of the movie which made them more popular.

Second, for Marvel, you guys definitly know; Endgame and Spiderman: Far from Home. Everyone around me watched at least these 2 movies and thank god I watched it earlier and I was the one to spoil and not to get spoiled. Along with the Disney movies, Youtube was also crrazy with Marvel videos such as viens and bloopers, interview videos, and explanation/ spoiler videos. The Marvel series was already popular from years ago, and Endgame was even the climax with some shocking ending (death of TonyStark/Black Widow :-() so it was quite predictable that Endgame would be very popular. Plus, by this movie, Far From Home, a lot of Tom Holland Fans were made!!

Thanks for reading and please ccomment if I left out some popular movies in 2019 from Disney/Marvel. Bibi!
yesssss there were a lot of 2s and 4s!!!
ex) frozen 2 , maleficent 2, spiderman 2
ex) toystory 4, avengers 4