I was in my room, a very normal day. But then, I watched a video on Youtube, telling about 10 scary places on Earth, and I was kind of shock. There was a nuclear apocalypse, to a boiling river. It wasn't a usual Youtube video.
Hello.... I know it's not Halloween but why not a scary blog. 4 places that will make the hair on the back of your neck to stand. Put a comment on which place is scariest.
4. Lake Anjikuni
This is a lake in the Northern part of Canada. There is a little village near this lake, and what happen to that village is that everybody disappeared. There were unfinished meals in houses, all the food and supplies were full. So how to explain this? A fingersnap or something else.
3. The Patomskiy Crater
YOLO here's a picture of it.
See that little gravely thing, that's the crater. It looks like a volcano, but I promise you, that is all sand, and has high nuclear radiation, with only a 250 years old life span. It's not a volcano, so what is it? A Thanos mass destruction, or a bunch of sand from the inside of the Earth.
2. The Hessdalen Lights
Resting time. Beautiful!!!
Not exactly right. Those are lights you have never seen before. Why does this happen. After 36 years of research, nothing has been prove.
1. The Devil's Sea
This is the Bermuda Triangle in the East. Just under Japan, there is the Devil's sea, also called the Dragon's Triangle. It has a lot of disappearances happen in this part. Strange~~~~~
Ok. I WILL NEVER GO TO THESE PLACES!!! Except for The Hessdalen Lights.....