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Hello everyone!!! I'm JULIE and today, I am with some PEN stuff, well mainly because I am SERIOUSLY ADDICTED to buying A LOT of pens. SERIOUSLY. So, today I am going to tell you about a LOT OF PENS.

1. Tum Gel

The first one is a pen called "Tum Gel". Well, this is a very not-really-ordinary-looking pen. However, the colors of these pens are SUPER DUPER awesome!!! I bought the color Pure Pink and Purple in Artbox. Those two are totally AWESOME!!! Well, it is 1200 won in Artbox, so it was AWESOME. Why? Because you only need to pay 2400 won for 2 pens!!!!!!!!!! Its REALLY cheap, isn't it???

P.S. I saw Stella having 4 of these pen (Red, Green, Blue, Skyblue).......

2. Sarasa Pen

This pen - Almost EVERYONE knows because it is SOOOOOOO good. There are diverse colors of pen, so you can have ANY color you want!!! I personally like the milky colors. I dunno how much I have this pen.... Maybe 4 or 5 colors?

3. Jetstream Pen

I know that U guys ALL know this pen..... Its jetstream!!!!!! I think this pen is the most Well-Known pen of all time. I have 3 of them.

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