Hello, today, I will explain what a moss ball, or marimo is, and about how to take care of it. I have a marimo that is about 2 years old, and it is about 1 cm long. Am a marimo is just a plant that lives in Japan. The special thing about it is that it lives in the lake,and that it is in a ball shape.
Plus, a moss ball and a marimo is the same thing.
To purchase a marimo, you can buy one at the internet or, a book store.

Taking care of a marimo is not quite hard. Every 1 or 2 weeks, the water should be changed. I recommend you to put the running water in a cup and wait for 1 day until its chemicals fly away. Do not squeeze the marimo because it can get stressed. Place the marimo in a sunny, but not too sunny place. If the water becomes too hot, it can die. Put the marimo in a refregiater for about 1~3 hours.
Moreover, if the marimo turns whitish, put a little bit of salt. It would be really unfortunate, it might die.If it dies, it becomes brownish. TAT.... so sad...................................................
Marimo is a surprising creature and will make a great interior plant. It's very likely that your marimo will grow well( if you have one ) if it ges a lot of love~~~~~~
^^ bye``` Kt
I want to have one of these marimos!