Imagine that you are walking along a beautiful beach. You hear the sound of the wave breaking and feel the cool ,fresh breeze of the the sea. When you look down to your feet, you see a romantic pink beach! The lovely pink sand joins the shiny emerald water and makes an amazing view that you cannot bear without taking thousands of photographs. Today l will talk about the wonderful 'pink beach' around the world.
Yeah, it is pink. The sand is pink, which makes the beach so romantic and mysterious. There are 5 pink beaches around the world. They are
located in Indonesia, Greece,Bahama Island, and Philippines. There are two in Indonesia-Pink beach and Tangsi beach. These are SO beautiful that it would fit perfectly for a summer trip.
Still, you need to be aware of one thing. the beach became pink because red corals and microbes with pink shells mixed with the sand, which means your feet might hurt a lot if you run in there!! ^.^
How about pink beach as your next vacation destination?
There's also a BLACK beach!!
I wanna swim there............