'You've heard me. You're hearing the students play outside. You will hear your sound of heart.'
The teacher said.
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In our school, we have the consulting teacher come to our class every week. In their we talk about many things. Today, something happened in this class and I'm willing to tell you.
It was a normal wednesday. The sun was shining okay, I was just normally in my seat reading my friend's comic. As the bell rang, the consulting teacher came in, talking about what they'll do on the 2nd semester. I was paying half attention because I was hlf on the comic. Then, the teacher said something about doors that connect you with the other people and all of that. When she was talking about this, a phone rang, and only I knew. I said nothing and put down the comic. Than 10 minutes past, and I almost forgot about the phone. The teacher said ' Close your eyes. I closed my eyes and all I heard was chatting. chat chat chitty chat, the students outside was really noisy.
The teacher said again, 'You've heard me. You're hearing the students play outside. You will hear your sound of heart.'
Than went the phone 'da da da dan -dan!' Someone yelled,'Was that the sound of my heart?' We all laughed out so loud, we wasted 1 out of 4 of the class!
We had to start the whole thing again and the owner of the phone was not found out until the end of school.....