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Adorable Pups that will Give You a Heart Attack 💓

Hello everyone and welcome back to another post of Sarah the fashion holic!!!!!!

So today I will be telling you guys about some cutie pups that will make you feel a heart attack and say "Awww". Now first up is the Yorkshire. Yorkshires are a perfect breed for apartments. They don't have to be groomed very often, has little hair loss (?) and has a bright personality. Even though a small amount of them may be a little STUPID they still are a perfect fit. Next up is the Maltese. As one of the most popular and common breeds in Korea, the Maltese has white fur and not so big. They are in the small category, and are pretty smart. Plus, they are also not having to be groomed a lot. However, their personality is a little SCARY. They aren't as sweet as Yorkshire's are. After, there is the LEGENDARY Dachshund. These little dogs are very well known as Sausage, or Hot dog dogs. They have very short legs, and long ears. However, they bark a lot. And they also like to RE-DECORATE the house. That means that they literally DESTROY and TEAR everything apart like your beloved dolls and sofas. So even though they are cute they are like a DEVIL (`∀´)Ψ. Next is the Bichon Frise. The special feature of this dog is that if you do a certain haircut, its head looks like a ball of cotton candy!!!! They are a little big, and has white fur. They have a wonderful personality, but needs a LOT of grooming. There is also the Golden Retriever. Beware: This dog DOES NOT retrieve GOLD. They mostly should live in a housing, not an apartment because they make a RACKET. As you all know they are one of THE most angel-like dog breeds in the WORLD. They are very huge, and yet gentle. Last but not least, there is the Welsh Corgi with a cute BUTT, that looks like a well cooked piece of BREAD. Everyone knows that the symbol for Welsh Corgi is a cute butt. This dog has a cute nickname called Corgi, and has short legs. It is pretty huge, and has ears that rise up. The color of their fur is gold and white, and is known to have been the favorite breed for the England queen. That is it for another Sarah's blog post !!! Bye bye ヾ(^∇^) !!


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Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Jan 17, 2019

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