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Are aliens, Western folktales and eastern folktales real?

Have you ever once though you life thought about any of these folktales being real? Aliens are mysterious creatures in space that live on planets like us. Western folktales are witches, Western dragons, mermaids and more are considered Western folktales. Eastern folktales are like Eastern Dragons, Yo-kai, Kappa's, and more. Today, we are going to tell if these are real or not.

First aliens. There is a low chance that aliens live in our solar system. Unless their is unknown civilization on mars, their is not a real chance. But outside, it impossible to know. But there are things that seem like alien caught on camera.

You can see a disc thing in the sky next to the volocano

This is unknown discovery. But it being flat and like a disc, alien sciencetist say it's a alien ship.

Second Western Folktales. Mermaids and witches were caught on camera but dragons just don't make since. No one has ever seen a lizard with wings. So dragons may be fake.

Now the first on as you can see said that it look like sea lions or seals but it had arms and also it tail was definently not a humans.

Witches look like they exsist. In this video they had wands and also they were flying in the Mexico footage. Also the witches in Mexico attack about 2 police cars so, it impossible to attack somebody so far away without flying.

Now, Eastern folktale. They aren't said to be real. Because mostly you can't see them and also they only come out in certain places. And also most of these things cause by Yo-kai are considered to be scientific effects caused by science so they might not be real.

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