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Are ghosts real?

Imagine that you are walking on a scary, creepy road, with no one beside you or even other people walking. Suddenly, a ghost pops out and blocks your way. Your face truns pale, your heart is beating like a drum. You are sweating as if you had been running for 10 hours. There are many different shapes of ghosts by the country. A lot of peole believes in ghosts, and does NOT like those scary ghosts. Well, some people thinks that ghosts are not scary at all. I believe that ghosts are not real because of these 2 reasons that ghosts are not measureable, and ghosts comes out and vanish.

First of all, ghosts does not exist because ghosts are not measureable. IF ghosts are really real, it has to have weight and height. Also, we have to be able to measure those weight and height of the ghost. However, can we? No, we cannot not. Well, people gets too scared, actually, to even have courage to try to measure the ghost's height or weight. Well, but that is perfectly true that we cannot measure the ghost's height or weight because we ususally believe that the ghosts are air, and we also believe that we can't even touch those ghosts. Therefore, ghosts does NOT exist at all because if ghosts exist, they have to have weight and height that we can be able to measure.

Second, ghosts does not exist because ghosts comes out and vanish. Although some people thinks that the ghosts will follow him/her and kill him/her, However, the people that says that he/she saw a ghost, says that those ghosts had stayed there for a while then laughed and vanished. That was why we are scared about ghosts , just because ghosts stares at us with their beady eye for a while, and disappears with the wind, and that is absolutely scary, we believe. However, scientifically, if ghosts really DOES exist, it has to stay there, not vanishing like air. Therefore, ghosts cannot said as "Exist" because them vanishing after a while means that they are not existing.

To conclude, I hope that many people do not believe in ghosts so that they live a happier life. Even though I am scared fo ghosts too, I try to think and believe that there are no ghosts in out world. Because ghosts just vanish and ghosts has no weight or height, I believe that ghosts does not exist.

Ghosts are not real!!

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