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Are schools good?

Hello person! Today I want to talk a topic about 'are schools really good?' Well, let's dive in!

Is school work really helpful?? These days, almost all of the students go to academies. Student that go to academies usually do math faster than others so if you're in 5th grade, some students may be doing 6th grade, or middle school math. I think that this leads to less parcipitation in-class. Most students just are in class tie like 'ugghhhh... I know all of this already! This is sooo boring!!' I personally think that schools are still worth it. Because, probably there aren't really any academies for the good bonding(?) class. School are the center of all the academies. Why? The reason why we are bored in-class is because we already learned what ever we are learning, right? So without schools, academies really will not know what to teach. I think that we shouldn't be going to academies because, parcipitation in-class is very important, so we should not learn too fast(?). Therefore, what i'm trying to say is that I don't wish that academies are gone, I just think academies should change thee way they teach so students can parcipitate in-class, and still want to learn.

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