Hey guys! Today lets talk about Ariana Grande! Well, I am a fan of her, and I love her voice and songs!! So today, I am gonna write a post about her songs.
1. 7 Rings
This is her most recent song as I know. But that does not mean there aren't lots of people who watched her music videos. In you tube, this song was published on before 1 month but there are over 2 hundred million views which is insane! And this is song is kinda about her money and stuffs, and I don't like it a lot, but it is kinda addictive.
2. Side to side
This is a really popular song! In this song, I really like her voice. This song is not that really recent one, but still lots of people in the world listens to this song. It is not a really high song, but I think it is still not a easy song to sing though cause it is easy to sound like a goat 🐐
3. Thank u next
This is my favorite song ever...... I like this song's lyrics because it is about loving herself and I like the point that she is not cursing and screaming at her ex boyfriends. Also, her voice is lovely too. It is not really shouting songs, but still her voice is AWESOME!
Still there are lots and lots of songs, but I wrote the most recent, popular, and my favorite songs of Ariana. If you also a fan of Ariana Grande, please comment below. Bye!
AGREED!! I personally like break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored the best!!
I'm an Arianator as well!! She is so cute and awesome!! You shud check out her latest dong, break up with ur girlfriend I'm bored!!