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Awesome Buzzfeed name creator!!!📜


Welcome to Jubilee's another amazing blog post!!

Well... THIS blog post I got an idea of this by Alice's blog post about Indian names!(Mine was 'King of the greedy sheeps' LOL)

Let's Start!!

What is your scottish name? (Click this button and you'll go to this site)

This site in buzzfeed is AWESOME!! I mean buzzfeed is just so AWESOME!! It has all these interesting things, hot issues around the world, and also a lot of facts that you should know.

Well, I got 'Ailsa'. I took this name-quiz twice, and both! I got Alisa!!! Isn't it CARRRZY??


Which is also the name of an islet in the Firth of Clyde. You're gorgeous, lush, welcoming, and solid as a rock. Well done.

What is your Spanish name?

(Click this button and you'll go to this site)

Well, I took the quiz twice.

Frist, I got 'Josefa'.

I thought this name was kinda weird for a GIRL, so I took the test again. Anyways, here is Josefa--


Your name is derived from a Hebrew word meaning "God will add". A calming presence in people's lives, you have a talent for tact and diplomacy, which is why friends and colleagues often look to you to mediate in disagreements.

Second, I got 'Ainhoa'.

I am quite glad that I got this name-- At least its not a boy's name!!


That's a gorgeous Basque name: you share it with a town in southwest France where there is a famous image of the Virgin Mary. You are shy, artistic and soulful, and you often feel intensely moved by the beauty in nature.

What is your French name?

(Click this button and you'll go to this site)

I took this quiz twice-- Again.

First, I got 'Valentine'. I kinda thought this name was quite a weird name because if 'Valentine's day'. So, I took th quiz again. Anyways, here's Valentine--


Your French name is Valentine, derived from the Latin word "valens", meaning strong, vigorous, healthy. You have an inexhaustible zest for life, which means you are frequently the centre of attention – and that suits you just fine.

Second, I got 'Marion'.

I seriously just LOVE this name! I think it is sooo beautiful!!


Your French name is Marion. You are strong-willed, confident, generous, and fiercely loyal to the people you love. Everyone wants to be friends with Marion.

What is your German name?

(Click this button and you'll go to this site)

Again, Again, I took this quiz twice, too.

I got 'Uwe'. I hate this name-- It sounds gross. So, I took it again, and TT

Again, 'Uwe' comes out!! CrazyTT


Hallo, Uwe. That's a Teutonic name which some people think originally meant "universal ruler". You are a born leader with a magnetic personality. You ooze confidence and charisma, and you never hesitate to speak your mind.

What is your Australian spirit animal?

This is interesting, isn't it??

I guess you all know, a 'spirit animal' is a ANIMAL!! A living animal on Earth!!

(Click this button and you'll go to this site)

Again, Again, Again. I took this twice, too!!!!!!

First, I got 'Wallaby'.

Wallaby looks like a kangaroo.


Sometimes you feel a bit left out and get slightly paranoid that people really wish you were someone else, but you shouldn't care so much. You are gorgeous and cool and actually completely worthy of the spotlight if you want it. So you don't run with the crowd all the time: so what? Keep doing you.

Second, I got 'Echidna'.

I have NO idea what this animal is. I never even heard about it.....


You are unique and adorable and people are mesmerised by your very distinctive style. At first glance you can appear nosy and just a little prickly, but as soon as you people get close they realise you are actually an irresistible ball of fun.

Did you have fun with Jubilee's jubilee post??

Don't forget to write what YOU'VE got in the quiz!!!


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