Bean boozled is a fun game to play with your friends. The game is funny non violent and festive. this is how you play the game. Well, you spin pin wheel with the pictures of beans on it. You choose the same bean from your pile. This is where it get's tricky. there are two flavors of one same looking beans. One of them is good, one of them is bad. I'll explain the flavors.
Coconut-spoiled milk
It isn't as bad as it sounds. I can't contrast it to real spoiled milk because I never drank any.
Strawberry banana smoothie-dead fish
Dead fish tastes HORRIBLE. But the good one is almost the best one you can get.
Rotten egg- butter popcorn
Not a fan of both. I can't stand the taste of butter. of course rotten egg tastes bad. What do you expect? :)
Toothpaste-Berry blue
Both of them aren't to bad. Also berry blue is the same thing as blue berry.
I really don't know about this one. Barf is so-so on the bad side and peach is also hovering in the middle of the good side.
There are much more flavors but I can't explain them all. I hope you like my blog! bye!
Oooooooh I think I will LUV the toothpaste since I predict that it will taste like mint, which I ADORE!! ♡‿♡