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Brawl Stars ranking p.2 #myopinion

Writer: Marvel Lover JihoonMarvel Lover Jihoon

Now today's blog is about part 2 about ranking all of the characters in Brawl Stars.

(Brawl stars: The fun of fighting, socializing with people, and the happiness of victory!!!! Download it for free on google play and etc.)

13. Crow Even if he is a legendary brawler his attacks aren't that strong. The reality of crow is in the [No time to explain] Brawl stars commercial, Crow gets shot down by Shelly so that's actually what happens. But the poison damage he gets after he hits an enemy is useful. (the one who looks like a bird)

12. Piper The positive side is that whens she attacks from farther distances her damage will go up. But if she is closer, she will 100% die because her HP is low but you can use her super to get out in situations like that. (the one five spaces up crow)

11. El primo The reason that he is very high but also not in top 10, saying he can beat mostly every brawler in the game if he gets close and his super can attack enemies from farther distances is because his range in attack is so short. You have to get else or else you can't attack. (the one under the evil-looking grandpa)

10. Poco The goods things are his super heals him and all allies in a way lager range than his normal attacks. But his normal attacks aren't that strong a lot so that's why he is 10. ( here is a picture)

9. Tara Here super is a blackhole who blocks enemies from going forward but again normal attack and HP are so low, so she dies a lot but totally worth a character. (the one who looks like a mummy)

8. Frank The fact that he can stun enemies and his attack is very painful is helpful in most modes and maps but the time needed to performe the super is so long that the enemy can escape it so not the best. ( Here is a picture)

7. Brock The bad thing is that there is none!!! The only really bad thing is his range but accuracy, his super, firing 10 of rockets, and the damage is so good to be on the trophy road for 1000 trophies!! (the one left to Tara)

6. Barely He is the best lobber in the game with all of the poison he throws does lots of damage in seconds!!!! But the only problem is that you have to be good at it. Bad player who like to just go up front like me, no!! (the one under brock)

5. Penny She is like the better version of Jessie. She has a longer range turrnet and here attacks are strong and are a long range. (Here is a picture)

4. Gene He has a long range attack that is similar to Penny's but has a longer range. And his super, the ability to pull brawlers to him is epic. (Here is a picture)

3. Pam The reason she is in top 3 is because her attacks are painful and her turrnet heals allies. Not like Poco but that turrnet has a range of green and if any of you allies go in it, you will heal health!!! ( the one under piper)

2. Spike You can not kill spike. Like he will attack you which does a lot of damage from a far distance and his super slows, you hurts you, and will kill you. (The one above crow)

1. Leon He has invisibility!!!!! You can sneak up on brawlers and just kill them. His attacks are in good range and do a lot of damage so he is number 1!! (Here is a picture)

There you have it folks the ranking of all the brawlers. Also please download brawl stars followed by the new update. Here is a commercial


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