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Brawl Stars star power! P.1

To day Is my 3rd post about brawl stars!! I will explain special powers called starpowers you can acheive them when the character level is 9 or 10. You can buy them from a store or a chest. These star powers make your character stronger.

Shelly-Her ultimate slows down characters

Colt- his move speed is faster

Nita-She can heal her bear!!!

Dynamike-Dynamike can now jump with his explosion!

Motis-he can harvest souls and heal

Bo-he can see bushes for a longer range

Jessie- she can heal her turret

ROSA-She heals when she is in a bush

Carl-faster pickaxe-lame

Barley - regains 300 health with every succesful attack

brock- his rocket now burns

Bull- when health low reloads faster


Watch out for next blog!! Part 2 is coming

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