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computer games are not bad!!!!

Hello, everyone, this is Nile's Popular(?) blog!! :-) *crowd cheers*

My post today is about computer games.

Many people are worrying because of the computer-game addicitions, mostly happening to children. We hear tons of news about people who became severly ill because of computer game additctions. you guys would also know many people near you who likes games a LOT.

HOWEVER, are all computer games super bad and gives super bad effects to you? Well, scientists say NO!!! Children who played Tetris(It is a game which you fill in the space given with shape blocks that fall down from the top of the screen. It is a very old game-my mom used to play tetris when she was young. It is kind of addictive , and after playing this, everything on the street-boxes, cars-looks lke tetris blocks! LOL!)for a certain time had positive effects on parts of brain related with critisism, lanuage, handling datas, and reasoning.(This is proved~!!!)

If we can find out and enjoy games that help us gather helpful skills, that would be amazing!Try playing Teyris, and nobody will scold you for playing games!(Hopefully! :-)

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