Hello I am #David the Meme Destroyeršš¤again, and I have a suggestion for you. Have you ever wanted your pointer(mouse thing, the arrow or starter) to be your favorite characters from movies, games comics marvels and more? Well, then there is Custom Cursor for you! My favorites are Thanos Infinity Gauntlet, Spiderman, and Star wars characters.
First, go on Google Chrome Webstore and type Custom Cursor or type https://custom-cursor.com/ and you will have to download it to the Chrome tab and there will be some characters and if you wish to have other better Marvel characters, click "more cursors" on the bottom left corner and find these awesome starter characters. I use this:
and again, it's....SPIDERMAN!!! Normally if you move your mouse thing, it is Spiderman, and if you click something, it is the gloves.
WHOA!! That's AWESOME!!!! I've gotta use it!!!