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Did the Trojan war really happen?

There is a very important war named the Trojan war in the Greek mythology. But apparently this war isn't an "mythology"after all.

Well first I have to explain what the Trojan war is. In the stories there is a Greek princess named Helen. Helen falls in love with a Trojan prince named Paris. So together they go to troy. But this bring conflict between Greece and Troy. Helen was actually married to a Greek prince already. So Greece thought Paris kidnapped her. Then the greek attacked troy for it and the 10 year war began. For many decades, this war was believed to be fake. But the Trojan war has been proven to be real. The story about the gods and the super strong heroes might be fake but the event was defiantly real. Many relics were found that proved that the Trojan war or at least something similar happened.

The historian Charles said that "The trojan war is actuall HISTORY"

We will have to think about the Trojan war again. if this war was real many other wars can be real. This war may lead to proof to a lot of other wars that they are all real.

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