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DIY phone cases

Hello, I am kt with an interesting review^^ Today... the review will be about phone cases.

Many people have a phone, and want their phone to be special-looking than others phone. Of course, people can buy cute, pretty, unique phone cases online, or offline. And to admit, those cases are really affordable and unique. But still, some people want an one and only phone case. Those people, they go to DIY shops and make their own case!!!!!!

1. There are numerous shops in Hong-Da, where many people visit. (Of course, there are shops in other places)

2. The price, is usually between 9900~10000 won, and is different by what toppings people put. Quite expensive, huh??/

3. The shops usually give out plain-jelly cases for free.

4. There are these boxes for each topping. So it looks well organized.(The toppings are made of plastic)

5. Pick from numerous toppings ( characters, animals, talking bubbles etc), and stick it with glue gun, or superglue.

6. Bring the case home, see how you and your phone looks amazing!! ( Sorry for using 'you'.... T.T)

PS. If the topping falls out, glue it again at home. (Do not use glue stick!!!!)

PS. The 3D feeling of the topping is addictive!!

PS. DIY is Do It Yourself

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🍌Hannah Banana🍌
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I agree with Alice in Wonderland!! They look sooooo pretty!!


Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

Cool!! I want to make one 2222

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