These days, the schools are not allowing the students to wear any make-up, except for tint, color lip balm, and some trends like piercing ears or having twinkle hair. Well, maybe piercing ears and having twinkle hair is not the "Make-up" thing. Is it? Anyways, the normal schools usually doesn't allow the students to wear make-up. Even though they don't specially have a rule, some teacher, especially old teachers just HATE the students to wear make-up. They ask, "Why are the lips too red?" so, students who thinks that make-up is a style hates that kind of teachers that doesn't try to understand make-up.
The school has to understand that doing make-up is their own right, and that it really might be a style of them. Also, part of the reason why some students wear make-up is to be part of the "Insider" society. They want their friends to be jealous of him/her by new make-up that he/she had wear today. They also might think that it is a style. Having a unique ways of doing make-up can benefit the students in a lot of ways. First, having a style of them is that they can be creative and having a various ideas of doing make-up. As almost everyone knows, there are many different kinds of make-up, and most of the "Students" had made those kinds of trends and those kinds of style of them only. They will start to influence other students because it mostly soon becomes a trend. Then, almost all of the students will start to create a lot more different make-up and be creative with it.
So, make-up is a very extra-ordinary way to make the students be creative and to be the future of the world!!! Therefore, the school should not ban wearing make-up.
Student makeup=I don't know!!
Student makeup=Great?
Sudent makeup=Horrible?
Please give your (Oops) opinions about school and the rules about make-up IBI!!