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Dork Diaries vs. Wimpy Kid

Would you rather read a diary of a 'DORKY' girl or a 'WIMPY' kid?!

Hello, guys! I am Nile the river and today l will introduce two of my favorite diary-form novel--- <Dork Diaries >and <Wimpy Kid>.Though the two books have a different style, l really enjoyed both of the books and highly recommend you guys to read BOTH.

l will first write about Dork Diaries, which is written by Rachel Renee Russell. The main character of this book is a girl named Nikki and the book is about her daily life(which is actually full with DRAMA.) Since the main character, her friends, and people around them are mostly girls, the book is mostly popular to girls. The overall mood is quite bright because Nikki really LOVES her diary and always have it with her. Also, the illustrations in the book is VERY detailed and pretty. R.R.Russell tries to draw everything---even a strand of HAIR--- in a very detailed way.

Now l will move on to Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. Unlike Dork Diaries, the main character is a boy called Greg, and almost EVERYone around him are boys, too. Plus, he does not really show that he treasures his diary...The first sentence of his diary was THIS IS NOT A DIARY, It is a JOURNAL. He also said it was only his mom's idea(well, he wrote 13 diaries by himself...) Last, the drawing is not as detailed as Dork diaries. It is very cute, even though the drawing is made with sticks and circles, and helps know what is happening well. :-)

Even these two books are really different in some ways----Characters, Mood, and drawings,but still they are both extremely fun.I hope everyone will read both of these books!!

P.S.Dork Diaries 14 will come on sale soon!(It was... October!)

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Wow!!! I didn't know that the new dork diaries are coming out!! I've gotta check it out!!

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