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fake earrings💎

Writer: Chic SarahChic Sarah

Hi divas and welcome once again to another Sarah's blog postings! I am posting today about fake earrings. Most of my friends that I know (technically ALL my friends) are scared to pierce their ears. But they like earrings. WHAT TO DO?!! Well, here is a simple suggestion/only way. USE FAKE EARRINGS! I believe that most of you girls know is as GUIJJI. Well, anyways this I believe was a genius idea. It does not hurt, at least to most people. One of my friends has very sensitive ears so they say it hurts when they do the ring ones. But the magnet ones are ok. So there are tecnically three types of fake earrings.

1.ring type

I'm pretty sure that most of you are familiar with this. This one was my favorite type since it dangles a lot and can show very well. It also is the one that mostly looks like a real earring. How to put it on? SIMPLE. All you have to really do is push the little part where it is slightly slim, and then push it backwards. Then here comes the tricky part. You have to really get it right on your ear or else it does not go in. I'm sure you all know how to put it on so I will stop since it is hard to explain in words.

2.spiral type

Spiral=Screw. You all know what screw drivers are, right? Then you probably know what a screw is. And a screw is a spiral. It just seemed weird to say screw type. OK? I never tried this one before because it just looked so risky. By risky I mean easy to fall. You have to sort of bend it with your hands because it feels sort of like a paper clip which you can bend. And then you have to measure (?) with your hands to make it just right on your ear. It just looked WAY too risky and sort of like FRANKENSTEIN. I honestly don't recommend this one but it is only my opinion. It is your choice to use the earring you wish. Anyway, here are the pics.

3. magnet types

These ones are very risky as well. Once, I was wearing a clover earring and then the magnet that was at the back of my ear fell off so now the earring is useless. They also do not look like real earrings. However, they do look very simple and cute. There are a lot of diverse designs. I had a few of these before. I recommend these more then the spiral types.



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L E N A❤️️
L E N A❤️️
Apr 17, 2019

Omg this is so funny I have the SAME EXACt moon one in the picture

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