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Favorite Top 3 nintendo 3ds games



The game begins with a video call made by Professor Kukui to the player. Professor Kukui helps create a Trainer Passport for the player before the player and the mother move from Kanto to Alola. Meanwhile, at roughly the same time, a young girl is seen escaping what seems to be a lab with an unidentified Pokémon in her bag. As she gets sandwiched between the workers from the lab on one side and alien-looking people in strange uniforms on the other, the Pokémon teleports itself and the girl away from the lab and away from danger.

Three months later, the player, along with the mother and Meowth, are enjoying their new home on Melemele Island. While taking a stroll on Route 1, the player gets attacked by a wild Yungoos, only for a Rowlet, Litten and Popplio to suddenly arrive on the scene and scare it off. Professor Kukui soon joins the player and explains these Pokémon are supposed to be given out as starter Pokémon on behalf of the island kahuna Hala. Excited by what he just saw, he decides to give the player one of the three Pokémon right away. Before arriving to Iki Town, Professor Kukui and the player run into Hala's grandson Hau, who immediately takes a liking to the player. Of the two remaining starter Pokémon, Hau chooses the once that is weak to the player's starter and challenges the player to a battle.

top 2

Kid Icarus: Uprising[a] is a third-person shooter developed by Project Sora and Sora Ltd. and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS handheld video game console. Released worldwide in March 2012, it is the third installment in the Kid Icarus franchise; the first to be released since Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters in 1991; and the first worldwide release since the original game in 1986. It is also the only video game to be made by Project Sora before it shut down in 2012.

Kid Icarus: Uprising takes place in a setting based loosely around Greek mythology. The main protagonist is the angel Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light Palutena. When the Goddess of Darkness Medusa returns to destroy humanity, Pit goes on missions first against her, then against the forces of Hades, Lord of the Underworld and the source behind Medusa's return. During gameplay, players control Pit during airborne rail shooter segments and ground-based third-person shooter segments.

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ire Emblem Awakening[a] is a tactical role-playing video game, developed by Intelligent Systems and Nintendo SPD and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS handheld video game console in April 2012 in Japan, and April 2013 outside Japan. It is the thirteenth entry in the Fire Emblem series,[b] and the first to be developed for the Nintendo 3DS.[9] The gameplay, like previous Fire Emblem games, focuses on tactical movement of characters across a battlefield fighting enemy units. Other features include the ability to build relationships between the characters to improve their abilities, adjustable difficulty levels, a mode that disables the permanent death of characters, and multiple camera perspectives in battle.The story of Awakening takes place 2000 years after the events of the original Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem Gaiden, focusing on a group of soldiers from the kingdom of Ylisse. The player controls a customizable Avatar character, (known widely by Fire Emblem fans as Robin, his/her default name) who suffers from amnesia. The Avatar is taken in by Chrom, the prince of Ylisse, and his personal army known as the "shepherds" of Ylisse. Over the course of the story, the Avatar aids Chrom's army in defending Ylisse from monsters dubbed the Risen, and attacks from the hostile nation of Plegia.( and has a really surprising ending!)

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