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Fidget cubes!

Hi Disney this is Doyeon. (I'm sorry I'm late;;; I thought I posted it but I had posted in MYSITE. Ctrl V Ctrl C HaHa)

Today I will like to talk about fidget cubes!

As you see in the picture, fidget cube IS A CUBE. It has 6 sides with each of them having a special facility.

First, the 5-spot that looks like some kind of dice-side. This is actually a button that you can press, and it is ASMR! The 'click' sound is so refreshful. Also, if you press it, there is this tingling feeling in the hand that makes you a bit un stressful.

Second, the 'smooth thumb' side. This is simply nothing but a smooth place that you put your thumb on and feel relaxed. There's this little not deep hole that is just the size of your thumb. It's related to the smooth stone that people use to touch for relaxment or whatsover.

Third, the joystick side. It's like playing a flying game, turning whatever side you want. You can roll it this side and that, turn it, press it, etc. It does not have a sound, but it's good because the movement is smooth.

Fourth, turn table. I will skip this because this is not so good. It does not turn well.

Fifth, the switch part. It is just like a real on-off switch. You click it this side and that. The sound is like........... well, it's like turning on and off, on and off, on and off, on and off a bathroom switch. It can possibly be ASMR, I think...

Sixth, a "Roll" part. You turn 3 sawtooths and one metal ball. The ball, you can also click and press. The feeling is a bit strange. It hurts but does not hurt like the way we know the word hurt. It blows your stress.

All together, I like it very much. 4.5 stars out of 5. I recommend you buying it and while studying, you fidget it with your left hand while writing. (Left handed people, do opposite)

Anyway, buy!

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