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Finger Tempo, a Tic-Toc Viral dance!!

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

Hello everyone, its Sarah. So today I will be telling you guys about the famous tic-toc finger dance, finger tempo. I also know how to do it pretty FAST and it seems easier then you think. But you should always be aware of DANGER since it could just come out instantly during class time, or when waiting in line. Its a very fidgety move, and also is pretty addictive. I believe most of you already know finger tempo, but some of you know what is it but can't do it. I won't write all the instructions because it is hard to explain in word. Nearly everyone is doing it in my school. There are different types of finger tempo. There is the original one which most people know, and a BATTLE GROUND VERSION, and more. I hope you all get to learn this amazing dance which I predict will be a good FINGER MUSCLE EXERCISE. So, if you wish to learn this dance that you can do anytime when bored without looking CRAZY, click the button that says: Finger Tempo on the bottom of this post. That is linked to a YouTube video teaching you how to dance your fingers. I hope you all enjoyed reading and please look at the video if you haven't learned it yet. I recommend that video. Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!! ♡^▽^♡



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