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I suddenly wanted to know more about fireworks! Enjoy!-

* I researched it on the wikipedia^^ Well, according to wikipedia, `Fireworks are a class of low explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic and entertainment purposes.' This means fireworks are real `fire' and an `explosive device'

Fireworks are made out of gunpowder,which is used to fire guns.

The start of fireworks are from the 9th-century medieval Chinese Tang Dynasty.They used this for festives. They thought fireworks will kill all the evil spirits.

From Song Dynasty normal people started to buy fireworks from market vendors.

Still, people use fireworks to celebrate festivals and new year. In Korea and Japan you can see fireworks during festivals often. As you know, You can see Fireworks at amusement parks such as Disneyland.Japan actually has a summer festival with fireworks.(P.S Firework in Japanese is Hanabi, the festival is very nice^^)

*warning--you have to know one thing before you see fireworks: they are fire! It can give you a burn!

To look more into the dangers, It is made of gunpowder, as I said, and explodes like shooting a gun. If you get the fire somewhere on your body, you'll get a quite painful burn.If you see fireworks, try to see them from far away and If you are close to it, don't get any closer and try not to get hit by the fire. It'll be super painful to get it in your eye!

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