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My father has a guitar. Guitars, different from electric guitars, don't have the electronic 'zing' sound. however same as the electronic ones, it has a head and body and 6 strings. Why am I suddenly talking about a guitar? Well, one of my friends asked me 'I heard you have a guitar at your home! Can you please play it with me at the show-off?' Because she was a good friend to me...I...couldn't say no.


we chose to play 'affections touching across time' or 'a cruel angel's thesis' because it's cruel but easy enough.

SO lets learn about guitars. A guitar has a body, neck, and head. it's body has the hole and strings, it's neck is the long part where you have long strings. The head is the lace with the button-like things. These things help straighten the strings.

Electric guitars are used for rock or fast and strong songs. Normal ones are just....used for all things. However electric ones are almost always used for rock.

Guitars, are magic. You don't only used the strings! If you've seen a master playing a guitar you must've seen people hit the body part and make a drum-like sound. This sound is deep and I personally like it because of the difference of sound than the 'zing~' sound. THis is good fpr rhythm, instead of clapping or stomping.

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Sooooooooooo, u can play guitar???

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