On Monday, we did trick or treat and got a lot of candy. Today is the real Halloween!

What pops up in your mind if you think of Halloween? I think of the jack-o-lanterns standing by the house's door which is a sign that you can come trick or treating. Although kids in Korea only do trick or treating in their English academies, trick or treating is still fun. Halloween originates from Ireland. People in Ireland celebrated their new year in November 1st. That makes Halloween the last day of the year which is very special. In the past, winter was a season that makes people think of the dead. The reason of that is because a lot of people in the past died a lot in the winter. There were a lot of reasons: the cold weather, few food, and all these situations made it harder for the people in the past survive through the winter. People in Ireland believed that the day Halloween was the day that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth. Therefore, people wore scary costumes to hide themselves from the ghosts. People used their costumes and masks because they thought that it might help them hide away from the ghosts. Activities on Halloween are trick or treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, and a lot of other fun activities to do.