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How to Deal with Friendship Fights

Hello, Disneys, welcome to an another season of Alice in Wonderland's posts! Today, I'll tell you about how to deal with friendship troubles and fights.

1. Sort out your feelings about that friend.

You may feel very sad or angry after a fight with your friend. You may feel betrayed, avoided, or whatever the case is. But you can't stay that way forever. You have to face it someday. So, you have to sort out your feelings about that friend. If you do that, you will feel a slightly more better. Because after I do that, I always feel a little bit better.

2. Think about what you'll say to the friend.

Since you have to talk to her/him someday, it's better to be prepared. You have to tell your friend either one of the A),B),C),D).

A) I want to resolve things.

B) Remember the other day? Well, I was....

C) How do you see what happened?

D) I'm willing to do my part if you'll do your part.

3. Talk it out.

You have to willingly talk. That is the best way to solve a friendship crisis. Say to the friend what you thought about, how you felt. Then, the friend would tell hers/his. You have to listen carefully if you want to really sort it out again. It is a good way to set the time, day, and place to talk it out.

Today, Disneys, I told you about how-to solve a friendship crisis. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSE follow me if you liked the post and cya on Monday!

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Chic Sarah
Chic Sarah
Mar 03, 2019

Alice plz follow me. If you do, I will follow u too!


Well, great!! I think I'll definitely get to use these tips!!


PLZ follow me!!!! If you follow me, I may follow you!!! THXS!!!!!!!


What did you do when you fought with your BFF? Tell me in the comments section!!!

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