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How to make a edible lipstick

Edible lipstick that is made by Troom Troom

Want more info about edible lipstick? Find out more in Sarah's blog post, 'Edible Lipstick💄Culture shock'

WARNING: I didn't copy Sarah's idea-- I already knew about edible lipstick by Troom Troom, a making-youtube channel!

So, Let's START!!!💨

🤘Drop the beat!🤘


1.Clean the lipstick

You'll say, what do you MEAN by 'Clean the lipstick'?? I mean not actually clean the real lipstick-- I mean clean the lipstick bottle. Now, do you understand??

Clean the bottle with wet tissues and water until you think you can eat it.

Clean and clean and clean until you want!!!


2.Melt white chocolate

You have to prepare white chocolate for a edible lipstick. Well, if you REALLY want JUST 'chocolate', I don't mind, but be aware that your lipstick will be brown!!! Anyways, prepare white chocolate and melt it.


3.Pour edible food coloring

Pour the food coloring to the white chocolate so that it will look like REAL lipstick. I recommend you to use pink or red food coloring!! Any color will be fine if you want colors like blue or black....... Anyways, pour edible-food coloring to your melted white chcolate, and I'm almost sure that you'll like it.


4.Pour it in the lipstick bottle

Of course you'll have to pour in the white-food colored-chocolate to make it a lipstick!! Be careful when you pour it in- you might get yourself burned, so get an adult's help if needed.


5. Freeze it in the refrigerator

You don't want your lipstick to be LIQUID, right?! So, it's pretty pretty clear-obvious that you have to freeze it. After some hours- (I'm not sure about this) you'll get your edible-homemade lipstick!!

If you try it on your lips, of COURSE it's gonna be SUPER DUPER POOPER(?) sticky, but try it if you want___

So, did you like Jubilee's post about edible lipstick?!

If you have any other ideas about edible lipstick, leave me a comment below.

Bye Bye!!🤜🤛

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Hello, Hannah!!! Really?? Awesome!!


I know about Troom Troom too!

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