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How to Make Home-made Mojji ❣️

💕 Hellooo Disneys!! So today I will be writing a simple How-to blog post on the steps of making HOME-MADE MOJJIS!! (crowd cheers 👏) So anyways, there aren't that much ingredients needed. All you have to prepare is baby powder, baby oil, silicone, and warm water as well as kitchen gloves that you use when you make flour dough, paint (color that you want the Mojji to be), and last but not least, a wooden Popsicle stick for mixing, and a bowl. Finally, we are all set and ready to go❣

1. Mix the warm water, baby oil, and silicone

At first, pour the warm water into a bowl (cold water ruins the visual), then next comes baby oil. Put the oil as the same amount as the water. Then, pour in the amount of silicone that you want/need. After that, squeeze out some paint as much as you like, but not TOO much since that makes the dough to soggy or cracks easily. Mix with the wooden stick until it has the feel of Ricotta cheese(?), yeah that's exactly how it feels like.

2. Make out the shape

Put on the kitchen gloves, and then take out the amount of dough you need to make the shape you want. Then, squeeze the dough tightly with your hands so that you can get all the water out. After that, all you have to do is kind of mass the dough and make it into the shape you want. The dough doesn't leak or anything, so I enjoyed it. Now, leave it to dry for a day.

⚠️ Do not put it in a refrigerator or anywhere else. Just leave it in a table or a place you are comfortable with.

3. Paint and decor❣

When a day passed, touch it with bare hands and see if its squishy and not leaky, or too sticky. If it feels like Daifuku, then you are on the right track❣ Oh, and if you made other pieces to stick like bunny ears, then just stick them on by using moggonpul, or woodworking glue if that is easier to understand. Leave to dry, obviously. When your extra pieces are all dry, then lets start painting❣ (you do NOT have to paint. If you wish, you can stop here.) Just use regular paint and paste it on your Mojji! However, I recommend NOT painting because when you stretch and squish, the paint cracks which is NOT pretty to look at.


Now, you have a home made and more precious one-and-only Mojji of your own Feel free to squish, stretch and play with your brand-new toy❣


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