Hello, everyone, this is Nile the river. Today l will post a pretty sad story, which is about euthanasia(mecy killing).Still, l believe that everybody should know about this issue, so l will start now.
There are many people who support the use of euthanasia because of thier own freedom. People say that they have the right to have the choice of thier own life. For example, a person who is very sick or unconscious because of a severe diesase,would not want to continue thier pointless life, especially people who are unconscious. It will only give suffering to rtose people, so they choose to go on a peaceful way.
A certain group of people, the protectors of the patient, are mostly against euthanasia because of the sorrow and worry for the patients. Of course, they'd be against this since they need to let go thier loved ones.If a person very close with you need to choose either one way, it will be a very hard decision. There are some real cases which the protector of the patient have to choose whether of not to use euthanasia for the patient if the patient is unconscious. This will be a very difficult decision to make.
This is an issue still considerde in many countries, and l , personally, cannot still choose a better one, too, even l thought about this for a long time. What do you guys think about this?
It is a really smart topic. You said the pros and cons of EUTHANASIA .I learned newly about EUTHANASIA though I saw anchors saying about it.
It is a really hard thing to choose... I do not know the answer too... Maybe nobody will