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Immigrants are people that moves from one place to another for specific reasons such as wars, to get a job, and because of natural diseasters. However, those immigrants does not get treated fairly. They mostly come to earn jobs and get out of the poor, and they get to work for factories with bad environemnt. They get only a little amount of money, but work for HOURS. They often also do jobs that we don't like to do like cleaning the roads and jobs like that. Those jobs are called the "3D jobs". "3D" stands for "Dirty, Dangerous, Difficult". So, it basically means it is not a good jobs that gets a lot of money. However, the immigrants are doing those jobs to earn money. They are doing those dirty, difficult, and dangerous jobs for us. Also, we always treat them very badly, In Korea, especially South east Asians gets treated baly. That is because our citizens think that the South East Asians are dirty. Well, however they are not. Some people might be, but of COURSE not most people! So, there are some problems in our points of view to the immigrants. We don't give them good jobs, nor treat them nicely. (Pararell structure) I think that we should change our thoughts that we have towards the foreginers or immigrants and try to understand their culture and help them get used to OUR cultures so that they can live a better life.

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