^Kaito ^Len ^Meiko ^MIku ^Luka ^Lin
I've only known Miku for a vocaloid. I've never known what a vocaloid means.But, last last week, my cousin told me about all of them.Actually not all but 6 of the most famous Crypton vocaloids, (01)MIku (02)Lin & Len (03)Luka (04?)Meiko,Kaito.I fell love with Kaito's character and voice.My favorite Kaito is special because as the pitch is higher, kaito's voice feels very similar to a person. A vocaloid is a program that sings. A person records all the words and the program in the app reads it and remembers it.when the person buys the app and puts in any lyrix,speed,and chooses a voice, the app sings it with the voice remembered. I does sing like a robot sometimes stopping but they are capable of any song at the fastest speed. An example is The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tohDycgc-H8) never try to sing it! you'll die because you wouldn't be able to breath! Korea Also has a vocaloid named 'SeeU' and 'Uni'. My favorite song is... None! the songs are all great. I strongly recommend you to hear to the other songs of vocaloids.
What Vocaloid do you like? Answer on the comments in the very bellow!
Cool! Vocaloids are interesting then I have thought it will be!!(Well I never, ever knew anything about that... I didn't even know what 'VOCALOIDS' are! Actually, I've never heard about it, too.) I'm sure that I'm waiting for your next great post!
What vocaloid do you like?