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Is doing everything "FAST" the right thing?

Imagine that you have to do EVERY thing fast, and you should not waste ANY second. You quickly open the door, without even noticing that the door is quite old and it is screeching for help, and you grab your homework notebook as a predetor catching the prey. In Korea, a LOT of people thinks that everything has to be done REALLY fast. However, is doing EVERYSINGLETHING fast the greatest thing ever? I don't think so. So, today, I will talk about why it is ALSO important to to live and do things slowly, too. Doing things slowly makes a better quality. I think that everyone in our class had once experienced when you had messed up your homework by trying to do it fast as you can. Trying to do things sooooo fast can even make your plan messed up, AND your homework messed up. Even though time limit is ALSO important, your homework's QUALITY is also important!!!!!!!!!! Well, you don't wanna go back to home because your teacher is mad at you for doing your homework soooo poorly and having to do your DUMB homework AGAIN, RIGHT????!!!! So, do WELL at the FIRST TIME!!! That way, you don't have to spend even MORE time doing the homework AGAIN! So, doing the homework IN TIME is also important, but the quality of your homework is more important than time. Next time, if you REALLY don't have time, do the homework in school break time or something, so that your quality of the homework gets higher than doing your homework quickly in your home.



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1 Comment

Patrick Burbine
Patrick Burbine
Jul 12, 2019

Good point. Urgent does not always mean important.

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