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is having a lot of homework good for you?

Hello Disney's I'm Doyeon and I am back with the topic of, "Is having a lot of homework good for you?" Most kids will say, no. And some teachers will say, yes.

First, what does 'homework' mean to you?

When I did a survey, many of my friends answered similar to, " A stressful thing that you have to finish until a date and if you don't you get punished"

However, the teachers and parents think it as " A thing that helps us know how the kid is following the class this period"

So, have you ever felt happy when you had a lot of homework to do, with not much time? Over 90 percent of children will said, "no"

If I ask a teacher if he felt good when he gives us a lot of homework, without some mean teachers, they say "no."

So, is having homework good for you?

I say, yes. Homework can help us re-study the class, and understand better. Also, it gives us some happiness if we get Grand. Mother or something like that.

However, is having a lot of homework good for you?

I say, no. Homework is fine, but too much homework eats up our time and gives us less time for other homeworks. Second, it gives us too much stress and unhappiness to "finish all this". Lastly, too much homework can cause punishment for not finishing it. So, I do not think having a lot of homework is good for you.


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